Thank you to the 3,000 volunteers who throughout the COVID-19 crisis have lent their hands and hearts to the people Preble Street serves. With your help, Preble Street handed out 1,000 Thanksgiving food boxes — filled with turkey fresh produce and ample ingredients for a full holiday feast — and tomorrow we will deliver van … Read more

Portland officials told social workers to stop publicly distributing food to those in need

Note: Preble Street continues to serve meals to those in need at several stops throughout Portland. Advocates for the homeless organized a protest on the decline of social services in Portland on Wednesday night, preparing to sleep into the night on the steps of City Hall. It comes after city officials told social workers here … Read more

Important Changes to Food Services

UPDATED 7/7/2020 – details subject to change In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this new best practice model prioritizes the public health of our community and re-imagines the way Preble Street delivers essential services. Due to the public health risk of coronavirus spreading when large numbers of people gather, we are no longer able to … Read more

Health precautions impact homeless community

Health precautions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic have caused Preble Street Resource Center to change the way it provides daily meals, the city’s shelters have put new protocols in place, Amistad has suspended all support services and Milestone Recovery has temporarily halted a key outreach program. “We are still preparing food and plan on continuing … Read more

Volunteer of the Month: Brett

Many residents at Glenwood Sober House volunteer at the weekly Preble Street food pantry, working as a team to move thousands of pounds of donated food into the dining room and help feed over 100 families each week. “We really couldn’t do pantry without them,” say Preble Street staff. “Part of their recovery journey is giving back to the community, … Read more

Among those helping Maine’s new arrivals: Other immigrants

A pot of turkey and tomatoes, stewed with turmeric, needs stirring. The plantains are prepped, along with fish spiced with garlic and ginger. At Preble Street, a social service agency in Portland, Maine, fans meant to cool the kitchen’s heat amplify the aroma. On a recent afternoon, a handful of volunteers cooked 600 meals to … Read more

Mark Swann talks about Preble Street food programs

Preble Street Executive Director Mark Swann is a guest on Maine Points. There are many ways to describe Preble Street: drop-in centers, soup kitchens, food pantry, shelters, social work services, supported housing. These descriptions only tell part of the Preble Street story. Marks talks about the many ways Preble Street works to turn hunger and … Read more

Our View: Leon Gorman leaves legacy beyond boots

… He lent his support to environmental organizations, land conservation groups that preserved public access to outdoor recreation, and the social service agency Preble Street. He not only donated to build a shelter for homeless teenagers in Portland, but also cooked breakfast in the soup kitchen once a week for 12 years … Read more.

Heaping Helping

Volunteering is technically a selfish act. I jumped on the opportunity because I thought that by making others feel good, I would inherently feel good too. So, in a way, I initially decided to serve lunch at the Preble Street Resource Center soup kitchen, to selfishly address my own conscience. Either way, I definitely felt … Read more