Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter

joe kreisler teen shelter

A Safe Place for Homeless and Runaway Youth

A low-barrier, state licensed, emergency overnight shelter, the Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter offers a safe place for homeless and runaway youth ages 12 through 20, provides access to a full range of services to assist them in making plans to stay off the street, and coordinates policies as well as individual interventions with Preble Street Teen Center.

Located in a building across from the Teen Center in downtown Portland, the Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter ensures that homeless youth:

  • find a warm welcome 24 hours a day
  • are in a safe place for the night
  • have their basic needs (food, clothing, hygiene) met
  • have a quiet space to study or meet with staff
  • can participate in informal social and recreational activities
  • are connected to skilled staff and appropriate community resources

Housing support staff assess the needs of youth, provide crisis intervention and individual support, make referrals, encourage and facilitate family reunification, supervise informal activities, coordinate with collaborative partners to address client needs, interests, and challenges, and — most important — provide a trustworthy, respectful, and caring space where youth can begin to heal, grow and dream.

The Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter is an integral component of Preble Street Teen Services, ensuring a door is open to homeless and runaway teens around the clock, 365 days a year.


Location & Hours

8:00pm – 8:00am

38 Preble Street, Portland

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