Preble Street collaborated with Maine Medical Center (MMC) and community partners to develop the MaineHealth-Preble Street Learning Collaborative (MH-PSLC) to bridge identified gaps in health care services for people experiencing homelessness in Portland. The MH-PSLC serves as the “hook and hub” location for low-barrier and barrier free access to health services, care-coordination services and education.
Limited clinical services, including triage, urgent and follow-up care, and wound care are provided by an onsite health care provider. MaineHealth’s Homeless HealthPartners (HHP) case management team is co-located at the MH-PSLC site, offering individuals experiencing homelessness short-term case management and coordinating access to primary care and other medical providers. HHP identifies and engages high-risk patients and communicates with Preble Street Health Services staff and MH-PSLC colleagues to coordinate care and address serious health issues before they require emergency or extended medical care.

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