Young and on their own in Maine

“Most youth who are accessing our services have fled their home because it felt unsafe in some way. That may have been extreme substance abuse in the home, it may have been some sort of physical, emotional or sexual violence,” said Leah McDonald, the Preble Street Teen Services Program Director. “They’ve gotten to a place … Read more

The City Council reallocates $40,000 of the federal funds for programs that serve the homeless.

The Portland City Council voted 6-2 Monday not to set aside $90,000 in federal grant money to help low-income families get child care so parents can find work or access counseling to become self-sufficient … Ultimately, the council voted to reallocate $40,000 of the funding to Milestone’s Home Outreach Mobile Engagement team and Preble Street’s … Read more

Portland City Council approves block grant spending

on March 29, 2016@DavidHarry81SHARESHARE TWEET SHARE SHARE 0 COMMENTS PORTLAND — City councilors settled one budget question Monday, then got a glimpse into the future of city spending and operations. By a unanimous vote, the council approved the fiscal year 2017 block grant spending plan proposed by City Manager Jon Jennings earlier this month. The … Read more

At-risk youth get a second chance to succeed

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Imagine being 15-years-old, having no family, and being out on the street with everyone telling you that you will never make it. It is the harsh reality for some teens. One program in Portland helps these types of kids prove people wrong. “I wanted to get through school. I knew … Read more

Congress needs to act so Maine’s LGBT homeless youth can get help

Not many issues are bipartisan these days, but thankfully, ending youth homelessness is one of them. In July, Sen. Susan Collins, along with Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, introduced critical legislation that reauthorizes the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, or RHYA, which provides critical support to organizations such as Preble Street that in turn help some … Read more

Increase in homeless teens

STATEWIDE (WGME) — More teens are on the streets. That’s according to the US Department of Education. Members of the Preble Street Resource Center say the number of homeless teens nationwide went up 30% for the 2012/2013 school year, The number of students in Maine going homeless each year is outpacing the national increase. Members … Read more

Former Teen Center client helps kids in need

… Carson was homeless by the time she was 12 and began staying at Preble Street’s Lighthouse Teen Shelter in Portland. Even during that time, however, the guardian’s encouragement was enough to keep Carson from following others at the shelter who spent days aimlessly. Carson knew if she was going to be a lawyer she … Read more

Teen Shelter Success

Once a homeless teen staying at the former Lighthouse (now the Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter), Portland filmmaker Dovid Muyderman is making a movie of his story of resilience and overcoming adversity. Click here to see the 207 video about the Muydermans and homeless teens at Preble Street.

Five for Fighting musician sings for teen shelter

The Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter will get a big boost from Five for Fighting, who is singing in Scarborough at a sold-out concert to raise money for the Preble Street facility. Five for Fighting appears at The Landing in Pine Point on Wednesday, Dec. 11, along with local favorite Amy Allen. Five for Fighting is … Read more

Number of U.S. homeless students at record level: report

The country’s recent economic woes are still being felt in the classroom: The number of homeless American elementary and high school students has hit an all-time high, according to a new federal study released Thursday. According to the U.S. Department of Education, in the 2011-2012 school year some 1,168,354 children ranging from preschool to 12th … Read more