Thank You Volunteers!

The dedication, compassion, and hard work of Preble Street volunteers make a profound impact on the lives of those we serve. This year, we’ve been fortunate to have over 1,150 individual volunteers contributing an astonishing 17,800 volunteer hours. The commitment of the many individuals who come out in all sorts of weather to create positive change in the lives of others is nothing short of inspiring and is the heartbeat that propels our organization forward.

Between the beginning of January and the end of November, our community of Preble Street staff and volunteers have come together to prepare an astounding 507,650 meals in Preble Street’s kitchens. Each of these 507,650 meals represents not just a simple act of sustenance but a profound connection, a shared moment of warmth and care that resonates in both hearts and bellies.

In addition to our prepared meals, we’ve also shipped out enough grocery food boxes to provide an additional 348,436 meals to families navigating the harsh landscape of food insecurity. This means that together with your invaluable support, Preble Street was able to provide over 856,000 meals to individuals and families in the Greater Portland Area.

These numbers of meals do not include the busy holiday season! It would be impossible for us to show the many wonderful moments we’ve had this past year, but we hope you enjoy some recent volunteer highlights below!

Lobster mac and cheese has become a holiday tradition! Superstar volunteers John, Jimmy, and EJ all helped process around 110 lbs of lobster this year.  Boatloads of thanks to Fern Park Lobster on Long Island and Cozy Harbor Seafood for the incredible donation!

Did someone say pie? The volunteers behind Pies for Preble baked an amazing 90 pies this year!!! The pies were delivered and within minutes, volunteers were slicing and boxing the pies for Thanksgiving dinners. Thank you Ellen Clancy – Real Estate and the South Portland Dog Owners Group for all of your hard work!

Laura Ingalls Wilder once said, “There is nothing in the world so good as good neighbors.”  With Generac Clean Energy Solutions as our Food Security Hub neighbor, we couldn’t agree more!

The team from Avangrid helped make soup, stocked pantry shelves, and prepped meatballs!